¡En Famic Technologies estamos dedicados a entregar soluciones de software orientada a oficios técnicos !

  • Automation Studio™ PRO

    Automation Studio™ provee una plataforma de usuario amigable con acceso a las bibliotecas de componentes que ayudan acelerar su proceso de diseño. Con las habilidades de simulación integradas, podemos rápidamente animar, analizar y validar el rendimiento de sus sistemas. Todas las tecnologías pueden estar vinculadas conjuntamente para crear y simular una máquina entera.
  • Block Manifold

  • Automation Studio™ EDU

  • Andon Studio™

Automation Studio™ es usado por decenas de miles de compañías e instituciones a nivel mundial.




años de servicio




países representados

Sesiones de Capacitación

Inscríbase en cursos de capacitación de 3 a 5 días y aprenda funciones fundamentales y mejores prácticas para utilizar todo el potencial de nuestro software de simulación.


Seminarios web

Acceda a seminarios web grabados y regístrese a futuros para conocer los últimos trucos y consejos.


Famic Technologies Offers Complimentary Access to Automation Studio™ for NFPA Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge Participants

Famic Technologies Inc. is thrilled to announce that we are providing complimentary access to Automation Studio™ for participants of the NFPA Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge. This initiative will run throughout the competition, offering invaluable support to students and teams competing in this prestigious event.

Breaking Ground in Fluid Power: Advanced Modeling Techniques and Performance Comparisons of Electrohydraulic Systems!

The fluid power industry is on the cusp of transformative innovation, thanks to cutting-edge advancements in electrohydraulic systems. The latest episode of the widely acclaimed podcast, Fluid Power Forward, delves into this exciting topic with leading experts from the field.

Famic Technologies is thrilled to share this photo from the recently concluded 12th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, held in Hiroshima in October 2024, where our CEO, Charbel Nasr, was invited as a keynote speaker.

This symposium brought together 207 participants from 11 countries and regions, showcasing 114 papers on fluid power technology. It provided a platform for researchers and engineers from around the world to engage in active discussions and knowledge exchange, driving innovation and collaboration in the field.


20 - 22

Jonquiere (Quebec), Canadá

Colloque annuel de l’APEMIQ

31 - 4

Hannover, Alemania

Hannover Messe

7 - 13

Manheim, Alemania


5 - 8

Houston, USA


18 - 21

Chiba, Japón


22 - 25

Montreal, Canadá

ASEE Annual Conference

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